Travelers' Fund

Apply for Travelers' Fund

We believe that traveling allows us to be more innovative in whatever we are creating; ultimately benefitting the community we belong to.

Being part of the travel community, we want to make an impact, and help travelers explore and create more. So we are dedicating 10% of our profit for this cause

If you are creator, artist, innovator of any sort, we invite you to apply for the Travelers' Fund, we will sponsor your trip.

Let us know more about you, your work, and why we should fund your trip

fill the form below with the following info:

  • what do you currently do
  • why we should fund you
  • social media link


Note: we will not reply right away, we will update you when there's a funding opportunity, keep an eye on our instagram page for such updates


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Company info

Esofied for auto accessories and trade agencies
1 el sabaq st., heliopolis, cairo, egypt
Tax: 731-861-374